The Reason for the Mess

I have noticed a lot of Mom on Mom violence.  Social Media seems to be the worst place for this offense.  As Moms we need to be a kinder example for our children.  While I was desperately seeking a way to clear through the judgmental noise I noticed everyone avoids talking about MESS.  REAL mess.  Pictures are conveniently cropped to make sure all toys are out of the frame.  Filters are added to get rid of all those laugh lines that sit next to our eyes.  Why are we always trying to hide the REAL MESS?  I mean toys always on the floor, dishes always in the sink, laundry never ever done,  MESSY MESS. My goal is to make sure ALL moms feel valued without a super clean house, car, life, etc...  Every mom needs to be able to see the beauty in the MESS because there will be a lot of MESS.  Let's be honest kids are GROSS.  Babies poop and throw up on everything, toddlers throw food on the floor, little kids spill all the time, big kids never put their things away, and teenagers leave their stuff everywhere.  They are not doing it to be spiteful (well maybe the teenagers), they are just kids. Instead of seeing the mess children see baby dolls that need to be put to bed. Kids don't see the piles of clothes that need to be put away they hear the swings calling to them from the backyard.   Having kids comes with gross disgusting awesomely beautiful messy mess.  Trying to clean up after the five people that live in my house is impossible.  Therefore I have learned to love the MESS and I want to celebrate all the Moms and all the MESS.

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