Friday, August 12, 2022

Somethings Gotta Give

       I'm a mom.  That means I'm overworked, over demanded, and over stimulated.  As a result I've been gone from one of the things I love for a while.  I'm super excited to be writing again.  I have missed all my social media friends and all my free therapy from all us moms climbing the same mountain while raising these children.  Luckily my kids are still alive but just barely.  Quick breakdown of the reasons I was gone for so long include school, work, kids, and chaos.  In May my girls had so many projects due at the end of school which meant I had projects due for school.  So it was very difficult to find time to write.  In June I had tons of projects due for work.  So it was very difficult to find time to write.  In July I was traveling with my kids which made them extra needy.  So it was very difficult to find time to write. The moral of this hiatus story is that when you are a mom something's gotta give.  Unfortunately for me the "something" was my writing and social media parent groups.

     Most moms are spread too thin.  We all know that we have too many things to do in day and not enough time to do those things.  When I get more things added to my plate something that was already on my plate gets pushed off.  Unfortunately for me the things that I enjoy most for myself is what loses the battle for space.  It never happens all at once.  It is a slow process.  For me it all started in May with the end of the year school projects.  I had a third grader that needed to study and write a report about Jane Goodall.  Then I had to make her a Jane Goodall costume for her Wax Museum presentation.  My first thought was "I can skip the blog for one week.  There is too much to do right now to take time to write."  The next week my first grader needed to participate in a Kindy-500.  We live close to Indianapolis, IN so the Indianapolis 500 is very celebrated.  I was required to build a cardboard car for my sweet little six year old.  She of course requested a car that looked like a sheep so I glued 1,500 cotton balls onto this cardboard box to make it look like a sheep.  The end of school requires a lot of work for parents to make it over the finish line.

   After school let out I was so excited to start writing again.  Little did I know that the lack of schedule of summer would make it almost impossible.  I was now tending to all my children and had become a full time referee.  When any of my little minions were awake there was fighting.  From sun up to sun down I was constantly putting out fires and trying to come up with things for my girls to do so my girls weren't on top of each other.  During this transition into summer days the demands from my work and my husband's travel schedule caused my writing again to get pushed down the list.  I was exhausted all summer and not to mention poor from the amount of food my three angels were consuming. Even Costco was having a hard time keeping up with my children's snack demands during the hot summer days.  Stupidly I thought to myself  "The last month of summer would be better if we can just get into a routine then I can start writing and working out again."  The problem with my logic is the definition of summer is a lack of routine.  Late bedtimes, no alarms, no schedules makes it much more difficult to find a regular time to write.     

     School has finally started again and this house is taking a big sigh of relief.  I have some of my time back to myself to do things that fill my momma cup.  Even though we are so much busier with the demands of school, the strict schedules seem to add extra time for me to squeeze in some things that were lost in the chaos of summer.  The first day of school marked the first day I had worked out in three months.  The first day of school marked the first day I had written in three months.  The first day of school marked the first day I had done something for just me in three months.  My kids are also happier.  They missed their friends and their structure.  I love my crazy summers with my three girls and as they get older I am learning to cherish this time more.  However, we are all happy to get back to our normal life and routines.  And this Momma is very happy to be writing again.  

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