Friday, September 24, 2021

Messy COVID Postive


     Our family has had a wild ride recently.  We were told that my kindergartener had "close contact" with a student that had tested positive for COVID.  According to their records she had contact with the student on Tuesday before we were notified on Monday.  My little lady had not shown any symptoms and since it had almost been a full week since her last contact with the infected student I was confident she did not have COVID.  We got her tested a few hours after she left school because as soon as she got a negative test she was allowed to go back.  She had a field trip on Wednesday so we were hoping she wouldn't have to miss it after we got the negative test back.  On Wednesday morning I opened my email hoping to find the negative test so I could put my 6 year old on the bus to school for her field trip.  The results came back positive for COVID.  You could have knocked me over with a feather.

     My brain was not prepared for this information.  Our adorable curly redheaded girl had literally no symptoms.  The fact that she was positive for COVID was totally mind boggling.  Everyone that I knew who had COVID had a lot of symptoms.  We proceeded to do a crazy scramble like you would after you found out your child has COVID.  We called the school and told her that she had COVID, they were as shocked as were.  Especially her teacher who was also scrambling to get all her work together for two weeks.  We pulled her sister out of her third grade class whose teacher was also scrambling to get all of her assignments for two weeks.  We scrambled to get testing appointments for the rest of the family because none of us had any symptoms either.  I scrambled to reschedule voice lessons and my husband to set up his work from home station then we hunkered down quarantine.

      E learning with a kindergartner who has only been going to school full time for about month is horrible.  We had to log onto her class everyday at 9:30 am.  I would mute her microphone and then spend the next thirty minutes yelling at her to pay attention.  Occasionally she would unmute her microphone and I am positive her teacher would hear me reprimanding my rambunctious redhead.  At the end of our torturous half hour we would be informed of 3-5 papers that needed to be completed that day.  I would then spend the rest of the day telling her "Keep going.  You're doing great."  or. "You’re almost done.  Just a few more assignments."  Meanwhile my third grader was locked in a room on a computer with her teacher for most of day.  The only difficulty I had with my 8 year old was trying to keep my toddler aways from her so she could complete her work.

     I do not say this lightly but I am confident I have some leftover anxieties from the E Learning experience of 2020.  As soon as I picked up all the school work for my two girls I started to get sweaty.  As soon as I opened up the first google classroom I felt all my muscles tighten.  As soon as I heard crying because we couldn't find a red colored pencil I almost started crying too.  Today I put both children on the bus for the first time in 11 days.  As I watched my big girls climb the bus stairs I literally felt 100 pounds lighter.  A seventy pound third grader and a thirty pound kindergartner were finally gone for the day.  COVID is a crazy thing.  The rest us have been consistently negative and my little 6 year old never developed any symptoms.  These last two weeks have been challenging to say the least.  However, as I say all the time, as a family we can always get through anything.   

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