Friday, September 3, 2021

Messy and Alot


      Being a mom is a lot.  Everything that is expected of us is a lot.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the amount of things that are needed from me.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed because no one will help me.  Sometimes, when I ask for help, I feel bad that I need any kind of help in the first place because of the reactions that I get.  Please don't misunderstand that I love this life and the little people that are in my life.  I love all of my village that helps me through these rough times but it is still a lot.   There are so many things that I have to do to keep everything running smoothly.  Why am I made to feel like a total failure as a mom if I need a little bit of help to do stuff?  Why am I made to feel like if I can't do it ALL myself it is such a burden for everyone else?  I help people all day and everyday and never make them feel that way so why are these unattainable expectations only reserved for moms. 

     All day everyday I help my girls with everything.  I help them get their stuff together for school.  I help them with breakfast.  I help them with laundry, cleaning their rooms, cleaning up spills and everything in between.   I help them with literally every aspect of their lives and never make them feel like they are a burden because of it.  I would never want them to feel that way.  My love for them makes me want to help them and to make sure that they always feel like their mom is there for them.  Therefore, it makes me incredibly frustrated if I need help and I am met with animosity.   Things like the kids homework or getting them packed up it is a huge imposition on anyone else to do the job that apparently I am "supposed" to be doing.  It is a frustrating spot to be in.   

     A mom is not a huge imposition when needing assistance and should not be made to feel that way.  We exist to make everyones life easier.  For some reason if we stop juggling one ball and someone has to do something that they don't normally have to do because we don't have the time, energy, or strength to do what we normally do we are not failures.  I have not failed anyone.  Yes moms are superwomen but why do we have to be.  Why is it so hard to find support the way we literally support every other human that we are in contact with?  Why are we the only ones that don't get a pass?  We are in charge of keeping the house clean, keeping the kids fed, and keeping the clothes washed, the dishes washed, the fun actives planned, emotions in check, the floors vacuums, the bathrooms cleaned, the sheets washed, the beds made, the baby happy, the fights settled, and a whole lot more.  So GOD FORBID we need any help to do ONE of the 10 million things that we do on a daily basis.

     Moms are not asking for the world.  Moms are not asking for everyone to take over all their responsibilities while they sit around and watch Netflix all day.  Although that might be nice for one day.   We are all asking for a little assistance.  We just want people to give up a few minutes of their time to help us so we can have a few minutes of our lives back.  Moms should not feel bad at this simple request.  Yet sometimes they do.  Trying to make everyone comfortable around me all the time is slowly making myself slip away.  I can see shadows of my old life pop up and then quickly fade away again.  I love my girls.  I live for my girls.  I love helping people so why is it such a chore to help me.  After all these big feelings that we moms feel all day and every day it would be nice to get some support that does not feel like we had to break down and beg for it.  If you are mom and have had any of these feelings please know that you are not alone.  Please know that I know it is a lot sometimes.  Please know that if you ask this mom for help I will never make you feel like less than.  Because that is how it should be. 

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