Friday, September 10, 2021

Messy 39

     On this day thirty nine long years ago my amazing husband made his appearance into the world.  This is the last year in his 30s and we are going to live it to the fullest.  My husband and I have really never cared about the number of our age.  We are actually looking forward to all the things that happens as we get older.  Especially the discounts from our AARP cards and even the physical ones like white hairs, saggy body parts, and wrinkles.  This last year in the thirties is going to be another year that we get to celebrate growing older together.

     Thirty nine years ago my husband was born full of poop and is still full of it.  He was born in a small rural hospital in Iowa.  The hospital was unsure what was wrong with him.  The only thing that the doctors knew was that it had been over 24 hours and the baby had not pooped.  My father-in-law had to make one of the hardest decisions.  He put his tiny one day old baby onto a helicopter to be life lined to a hospital in Iowa City.  Meanwhile his parents could only stay and wait until my mother-in-law was released.  Now that I am a parent I completely understand how nerve racking this would be.  Making all those decisions while the hormones are surging through your body would make any person an emotional wreck.  Being away from your newborn baby and unsure if he was going to be ok would only add to the stress and worry.  Thankfully my husband was fine.  They still never knew why it took him so long to poop but I can say with certainty now that he is making up for lost time. 

     Next year my husband will enter his forties.  I will follow quickly the year after that.  My husband has been looking forward to being old for as long as I have known him.  He likes to eat dinner at five o'clock,  his dream car has always been a 2000 Buick, and he likes to be in bed by 8:30pm.  A lot of people say age is just a number.  I think it is so much more than that.  It is an accomplishment to travel around the sun for one more loop.  People who are getting older also understand that things start moving slower.  Body aches last longer, muscle soreness runs deeper, and brain power is used up by so many children.  Despite all the many things that we are wading through as the years press on we are happy to do it.  My husband and I love all the new things that we get to experience the older we get.  We get to see our kids grow and discover new things.  We get to discover new things about each other.  We get to share all our new activities together.  If age is just a number 40 is one that we are both looking forward too.  

     I am beyond thankful that I have spent the last twelve years with the love of my life.  It has only been twelve of his 39 years but it has definitely been the best 12 years of my life.  In the last 12 years we have had 7 jobs, 4 homes, 3 children, and 1 husky dog.  I'm looking forward to everything that the next 39 years brings into our lives.  I'm looking forward to the white hair over taking my husband's beard.  I'm looking forward to all the laugh lines that I work hard to make around his eyes.  Our life is going to be even more filled with experiences, family, love, and fun over the next 39 years.  I am excited to do it together with this amazing man that I get to call my partner, my love, and my best friend.  Our crazy life is only going to get crazier and more full.  Good thing we have enough room for all of it.  Happy Birthday Love!!  39 looks really good on you.    

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