Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Real Messy Dad


     This last Sunday was a day to celebrate the man who helps make all my dreams possible.  My husband is the best dad in the world to our 3 little ladies.  He doesn't like to be talked about a lot.  Most people like to think of him as my silent partner but he is my everything.  We have been married for 10 years this November.  In that short amount of time we have had 3 homes, 3 children, and 1 girl dog.  This amazing man of mine is surrounded by women 365 days a year and he secretly loves it.  When he was young a man and thought of being surrounded by beautiful women I am pretty sure this is not what he pictured.  However, I know that this life that we have created is a million times better than anything we both ever imagined it could be.

     When I prepared to marry my husband I was very confident that he was going to be an amazing husband.  I would not have married him if that was not the case.  However, I had no idea if he would be an amazing father.  We got engaged only 4 months after we met for the first time and have been inseparable ever since.  Our first little lady was born 2 weeks before our first wedding anniversary and my husband jumped right into being a dad.  She actually preferred to do skin to skin with him instead of me.  I tried not to be offended but I was the one with the boobs that were feeding her.  My husband got a wonderful welcome to fatherhood present by our wee lass peeing directly into his mouth when she was 4 days old.  I still remember laughing hysterically as he tried to wipe his face and exclaimed "I thought that only happened with boys."  

     I constantly tell people that one of the reasons I had children was so my husband would have someone to play with.  Even with our first newborn, she would sleep on the edge of his recliner while my husband played Xbox.  My 8 year old and 5 year old are into Roblox.  My husband loves to join them in the games they are playing.  His office has been transformed into a gaming command center.  Usually they are playing games like Fashion Famous or Mommy Baby which are obviously not games chosen by husband.  Only an incredible girl dad would play hours or these games just to have playtime with his ladies.  I am positive that when my husband thought of gaming with his kids, fashion games were not on his radar.  However, he finds joy in their joy and that is the sign of an awesome father.

     My husband loves to roughhouse with our girls and my girls love it too.  When my oldest was learning to speak she started calling it horse roughing and the term stuck.  Sometimes it includes actual horse riding when all three girls jump on my husband's back at the same time and yell "Giddy up horsey!"  The group has at least five minutes of horse roughing every night.  As my girls get bigger they are actually starting to hurt my husband now, it is three against one after all.  I think that my husband will just have to start bodybuilding.  There have been a few articles that have been written about roughhousing with your girls to increase their body image later in life.  If this research is accurate my girls are going to be ridiculously confident about their bodies when they get older.  

      My husband is the perfect father for all three of our crazy chicks.  Everyday we are doing the best that we can working together as a team to raise three kooky kids.  These little ladies are an extreme amount of work and it is made much easier by having an amazing partner.  He delights in our children and you can see the joy in his eyes when they run to greet him at the door.  Mom doesn't get that same type of welcome.  Raising three daddies girls is a blessing and curse for any father and our father dearest handles it with ease.  He is my best friend, the love of my life, and works hard for all his women everyday.  My girls and I are extremely lucky to have the best man on the planet taking care of us and we cherish taking care of him too.  Happy Father's Day Adam!    

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