Thursday, February 25, 2021

Messy and Lazy

    My kids have a super power as soon as they sense me sit down they need something.  They don't even have to see me getting ready to sit; they can sense it.  If they feel like I am starting to relax in any way they instantly attack with a need, a want, or a hurt.  Their spidy sense tingles when my butt gets close to any chair or couch.  How do they know?  The only time I am able to relax is after they are finally asleep.  Even that is short lived because we all know that they are going to be awake in just a few more hours to need something and that is what I am here for as their mom.  

     I have heard a lot of mom's use the term lazy incorrectly.  "I was lazy, because I let my kids in my bed last night."  "I was lazy, so we ordered pizza for dinner."  "I was lazy, I let my kids watch their tablets."   For goodness sake you are not lazy.  NO with a capital N-O!  Everyday, all day, we are pulled into a million different directions by kids, husbands, friends, families, bosses, neighbors, etc...  Therefore we all need to give ourselves a pass on the term lazy.  Moms are exhausted, not lazy.  Most people with kids don't even have the time to be lazy.  We are constantly emotionally and physically exhausted giving everything we have to our children, not lazy.  

     My mom got a new portable carpet scrubber.  It is weird when you are an adult and get excited over cleaning supplies.  However, I found myself in this exact situation.  My car had started to smell because one of my sweet angels had left an apple in the back seat for way too long.  I promptly borrowed my  mom's sweet new machine to scrub the carpet of my awesome 2012 Ford Flex.  The satisfaction of dumping out all of that gross black water was awesome.  The smell was gone, mission accomplished.  Earlier that day my husband had done the dishes.  I got a sudden urge of being ahead of the game so I decided to scrub my stairs with the new toy. As I reached the last stair that needed to be scrubbed I turned around to marvel at all my hard work.  The stairs looked brand new like the day we moved in.  I descended the stairs and saw my amazing toddler dump a whole box of goldfish onto the bottom stair and then start to step on them.  My heart sank.  My first thought was that all my hard work was ruined in a matter of seconds and I felt like crying.  My second thought was oh well at least it is still cleaner than it was before. 
     Sitting on the couch for a few binge shows doesn't mean you're lazy.  It means that you have been doing things all day and you just need to veg for a few hours.  Letting your kids sleep in your bed doesn't mean you're lazy.  It means that you are always up with the kids and letting them sleep in the bed is how you get a few extra hours of sleep so you can function tomorrow.  Ordering pizza for dinner doesn't mean that you're lazy.  It means you have literally made breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday for 5 people and not preparing ONE meal sounds like a much needed break.  Letting your kids play with electronics doesn't mean you're lazy.  It means that you just need some time when nobody is touching you or asking you for stuff.  To be honest when they are watching their tablets they are usually still touching you.

    We all need to give ourselves a break.  I know that I will sleep a full eight hours when my kids no longer sleep here.  I have realized that my house can be clean when my kids are grown.  I will have the time to cook elaborate meals and it will just be me and my husband to eat them.  I will also be able to sit on the couch alone with no one to snuggle with me.  In this part of life everything you are doing is enough and perfectly perfect.  Just so you know there is no such thing as Lazy Mom because there is no such thing as a non-demanding child.  Celebrate the things you got done today even if you don't feel like it was enough.  I am here to tell you it is ALWAYS enough.

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